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How and where to meet sugar daddies? Is a sugar daddy legal in Australia? How to date them and stay safe? Read this guide and find the answers. Or just choose any of those real sugar daddies, click on their profiles, and start talking to them in a few minutes!

Who’s an AU sugar daddy

A sugar daddy is a successful, experienced man in his 40s, 50s, or 60s (typically) who enters a “sugar” relationship—a transactional, compensatory relationship characterized by exchange of companionship and intimacy for gifts, money, and other benefits.

According to various sources, the average age of a sugar daddy is 44 years old, the average net worth is $7.7-$7.8 million, and most are entrepreneurs, developers, or work in the financial sector. An older survey from 2014 revealed that 71% of sugar daddies are unmarried. Other studies show that the average Australian SD has an annual income of around $240,000 and spends around $3,800 per month as a sugar baby allowance.

The best place to find a sugar daddy AU

The best place to find a sugar daddy AU

So, how to find a sugar daddy in Australia? We believe that the best thing you can do is meet them online. Sugar dating apps are affordable and extremely convenient, and it’s much, much easier to find a sugar daddy online than to meet him in person.

But it’s not impossible! 

  • First, choose the city. It’s not like the choice is very wide here, to be honest—after all, it’s always Sydney and Melbourne. If you want to meet a real sugar daddy in this country, these two cities are your #1 choice. It’s not only because they’re the largest ones but because they have the highest concentration of wealthy people—Sydney, for example, has experienced a dramatic rise in wealth since 2012, and today, it has more than 126,000 millionaires!
  • Where to go in Sydney? You can try your luck in Longueville and Dover Heights—visit places like the Longueville Hotel, The Diddy, Shorties in Longueville and Rose Bay Hotel, Dove at Dover, Bad Mama, Moonshine, and other bars and nightclubs in Dover Heights.
  • Where to go in Melbourne? In general, all those bars, malls, gyms, and parks are a must for someone who wants to meet a sugar daddy IRL—in Melbourne, for example, you can visit Mabels, Trak Lounge Bar, The Nashaa Club (all these places are located in Toorak, a rich suburb of Melbourne).
  • And that’s not all. You also shouldn’t forget about the events where rich people gather. Australian Open? Formula 1? Perth Festival? Millions of rich Australian guys visit dozens of events in Australia every year; you just need to meet them!
  • Another important place to visit is Queensland—Brisbane and Gold Coast. Brisbane is the top Australian city regarding the number of sugar daddies, according to a 2015 survey, and although we don’t know the real situation right now, Brisbane looks like a city you shouldn’t miss if you’re into sugar dating. Just be careful there because these 2 cities are obviously full of guys who are interested in casual dating and one-night stands without any “sugar.” Visit bars near the beaches, rooftop bars, and outdoor bars with their perfectly relaxed vibe, live music venues and halls, etc.

If you’re serious about meeting a sugar daddy offline, it’s all about being in the right places and making a great impression. Dress your best, stay confident, and take your time to build real connections. The more relaxed and authentic you are, the better your chances of finding the right match.

How to stay safe online when dating sugar daddies in Australia

Before you find a sugar daddy in Australia, read this—you must do everything to ensure safety because, unfortunately, sugar dating can be dangerous sometimes. 

  • If you’re dating sugar daddies online, choose the best dating apps. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake dating platforms with a lot of scammers, and you will never find a real sugar daddy on such a site. Read our reviews carefully to make the right choice because if you make the wrong choice, you’ll lose money, lose your time, and be disappointed in sugar daddies.
  • Never send money. This might sound weird because if you’re a sugar baby, you probably expect to receive money, not to send it. But that’s what scammers do—they tell you they’re going to send you $5,000, but to get the money, you need to send them, say, $50 or $100. You send them $50, and then nothing happens. To avoid this scam, remember this simple rule: never send money to sugar daddies.
  • Do not share too much personal information before the first meeting. Sharing too much information about yourself is definitely not a good idea when it comes to online dating, as it might lead to certain consequences, such as blackmail. You surely don’t want to be blackmailed over your pictures, videos, or the very fact that you’re using a sugar dating app, right?
  • Meet-and-greet must be public. You’ll need to meet a sugar daddy sooner or later, and the #1 rule is that your first date (meet-and-greet) must be in a public place. A cafe or a restaurant would work perfectly, but going to a hotel or his place on the very first date might lead to some problems, and you do not want to experience any of these problems.

That’s all, basically. Sugar dating can be dangerous, especially if you’re an inexperienced sugar baby, but it’s not too dangerous, and it’s not like this industry is full of abusers or perverts. It’s as dangerous and as safe as any other type of online dating.

Yes, it’s 100% legal to date a sugar daddy (AU). 10 years ago, there was a short period when the South Australia Police was looking closely at sugar dating apps in terms of the legislation, but as far as we know, it didn’t work out for them, and they didn’t arrest any sugar babies for “prostitution.” Well, that’s not surprising—prostitution and sugar dating are two totally different things.

Bottom line

Finding a sugar daddy is 100% possible in Australia. Go to Brisbane or Sydney, visit nightclubs in rich neighborhoods of Melbourne, or meet them online without leaving your home—it doesn’t matter how you do it; what really matters is that it’s definitely possible!

Other Cities in Victoria for Sugar Daddy Dating

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